

[可口] 《If I Were You》Hoobastank

发表于 2007-2-12 15:56  3372 次点击


专辑名称:Every Man for Himself
歌   手: Hoobastank

You seem to find the dark when everything is bright
You look for all thats wrong instead of all thats right
Does it feel good to you to rain on my parade
You never say a word unless its to complain
Its driving me insane

If I were you
Holding the world right in my hands
The first thing I'd do
Is thank the stars for all that I have
If I were you

Look what surrounds you now
More than you ever dreamed
Have you forgotten just how hard it used to be
So whats it going to take
For you to realize
It all could go away in one blink of an eye
It happens all the time

If I were you
Holding the world right in my hands
The first thing I'd do
Is thank the stars above
Tell the world I love that I do
If I were you

So whats it going to take
For you to realize
It all could go away in one blink of an eye
It happens all the time

If I were you
Holding the world right in my hands
The first thing I'd do
Is thank the stars above
For the world I love
Take a breath and enjoy the view
Live the life that I've wanted to
If I were you

本主题共有 3 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2007-2-12 22:25
磨七 地球
连接没个头  歌曲听不了
#2 - 2007-2-13 14:46
曲终人散 地球
#3 - 2007-2-14 01:19
丫丫 地球
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