

[可口] 《Same Direction》Hoobastank

发表于 2007-2-12 15:51  3477 次点击

  在一场高中乐队比赛上,分别属于两支乐队的主唱Douglas Robb和吉他手Dan Estrin走到一 起,又招募来贝斯手Markku Lappalainen和鼓手Chris Hesse,于是在1994年,一支叫做Hoobastank的post-grunge乐队在美国加州正式成军。

他们的音乐强劲有力,主唱的声音总是富有激情,节奏简单,旋律悦耳,听来感觉很舒服。再来看看这四个制造出这样音乐的家伙,同样没有任何时髦的噱头,开着平淡的玩笑,讲着身边的事——就像你我一样的普通。在他们的音乐里你似乎可以找到Guns & Roses,Red Hot Chili Peppers,Alice In Chains的影子。这是因为他们也和我们一样,听着这些人的唱片慢慢长大。

然而他们的歌却仿佛有种无形的力量,让置身其中的听者感到踏实。他们总善于挖掘出深藏在内心的情感,快乐也好,愤怒也好,伤感也好,统统把它们宣泄得淋漓尽致。所以下次,你将Hoobastank 的唱片送入唱机时,记得把音量开大。


主唱:Douglas Robb
吉他手:Dan Estrin
贝斯手:Markku Lappalainen
鼓手:Chris Hesse

专辑:The Reason [ENHANCED]

Whenever I step outside, somebody claims to see the light
It seems to me that all of us have lost our patience.
'Cause everyone thinks they're right, and nobody thinks that there just might
Be more than one road to our final destination

But I'm not ever going to know if I'm right or wrong
'Cause we're all going in the same direction
And I'm not sure which way to go because all along
We've been going in the same direction

I'm tired of playing games, of looking for someone else to blame
For all the holes in answers that are clearly showing
For something to fill the space, was all of the time I spent a waste
'Cause so many choices point the same way I was going.....

So why does there only have to be one correct philosophy?
I don't want to go and follow you just to end up like one of them
And why are you always telling me what you want me to believe?
I'd like to think that I can go my own way and meet you in the end.

But I'm not ever going to know...

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