

[可口] complicated

发表于 2006-4-30 17:13  4143 次点击


uh huh life's like this
uh huh uh huh
that's the way it is
cause life's like this
uh huh uh huh
that's the way it is
chill out
what you yelling for?
lay back
it's all been done before
and if you could only let it be
you will see
i like you the way you are
when we're driving in your car
and you're talking to me one-on-one
but you become
somebody else round everyone else
watching your back
like you can't relax
you trying to be cool
you look like a fool to me
tell me
why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
i see the way you're acting like you're somebody else
gets me fruster

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