

[捕風] Paper HearT ━━━━━━━【6楼照相馆】

发表于 2009-8-29 14:26  4224 次点击

【Paper HearT】

You built me out of paper airplanes and
Threw me across the room to see if I could fly
And then you were disappointed when I crashed to the ground
Battered wings lying haphazardly over your floor.
You crumpled my blueprints and tossed them over your shoulder
I guess that meant I wasn’t quite ready to spread my wings.

I was just another china heirloom above your desk
With a “don’t touch, just look” sign on my forehead
You put it there because you thought I didn’t need you to love me
Apparently you thought I was just fine collecting dust and wishes.

I watched you wither away to splintered bones and
Tangled veins inside translucent skin.
I saw you drown in your own insecurities;
Photosynthesis just couldn’t help you anymore.
Your petals started falling to the ground one by one
Like forgotten whispers and buried hopes.

Your eyes became smoke and your breath was thin air
Pressed carefully through lip locks with Death.
I tried to read you bedtime stories but you just wanted
To hear tragedies and the static on the radio
Because then it would drown out the metallic ring in your ears.
Immortality is a bitter disease wasted on china dolls
That’s what you told me as you wasted away to nothing.

My paper heart isn’t strong enough to hold you up
While you’re falling down the basement stairs
Tripping over past mistakes and empty beer bottles.
You tried so hard to act like you were not dying inside
But I could hear the whispers you spoke to the night sky
While you taped over my bent paper airplane wings
A last attempt to make the imperfect invention of me
Able to carry your wish to live up to the waiting stars.


And the wind blows through you, like a broken paper airplane.
I act on my impulse,
And now this pen leaves its mark
For the wind blows through you.
And the river begins to fade.

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#1 - 2012-4-12 22:11
xdcyy88 地球
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