

[可口] Cannonball —Damien Rice

发表于 2009-1-6 15:02  4346 次点击


daminen rice

There's still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
There's still a little bit of you laced with my doubt
It's still a little hard to say what's going on

There's still a little bit of your ghost, your weakness
There's still a little bit of your face I haven't kissed
You step a little closer each day
That I can't see what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love, it taught me to lie
Life, it taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball

There's still a little bit of your song in my ear
There's still a little bit of your words I long to hear
You step a little closer to me
So close that I can't see what's going on

Stones taught me to fly
Love, it taught me to lie
Life, it taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannon-
Stones taught me to fly
Love, it taught me to cry
So come on courage
Teach me to be shy
'Cause it's not hard to fall

And I don't wanna scare her
It's not hard to fall
And I don't wanna lose
It's not hard to grow
When you know that you just don't know
don't know
don't know
don't know

Damien Rice 来自爱尔兰,出生于七十年代早期,绘画与写歌是他青年时期的兴趣,也因此让他有了组团的念头,在"O"的专辑内页有些插画便是 Damien Rice 自己的作品。
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[ 本帖最后由 Dora。 于 2009-1-22 18:07 编辑 ]

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