

[銳] Tainted Love---------MARILYN MANSON

发表于 2007-7-29 11:18  3261 次点击

Tainted Love

Sometimes i feel i've got to
Run away i've got to
Get away
From the pain that you drive into the heart of me
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
And i've lost my light
For i toss and turn i can't sleep at night

Once i ran to you (i ran)
Now i'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Oh...tainted love
Tainted love

Now i know i've got to
Run away i've got to
Get away
You don't really want any more from me
To make things right
You need someone to hold you tight
And you think love is to pray
But i'm sorry i don't pray that way

Once i ran to you (i ran)
Now i'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Oh...tainted love
Tainted love

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now i'm going to pack my things and go
Tainted love, tainted love (x2)
Touch me baby, tainted love (x2)
Tainted love (x3)

本主题共有 2 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2007-7-29 12:05
vincent 地球
好多曼森的 很多人喜欢他..
#2 - 2007-7-29 13:40
yayota 地球
MANSON的....怎么一下子多起来了 [s:29]


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