

[可口] 《Victor,Fly Me To Stafford》My Little Airport

发表于 2007-2-26 01:24  3228 次点击


This is the last song I write for you
This is the last night I think of you
Your name is Victor Ching
How do you do

I phoned you this morning you couldn't hear me
I sent you letter you couldn't receive
It's my favorite game but I have changed

It's too late to say
I miss you Victor Ching
And you are on your way to Stafford in UK
I know it's too late to say I'm fond of you
You've got a girl from Singapore
Who you didn't like before

I love you when you no longer love me
I need you when you no longer need me
You wanted me, but you have changed already

It's too late to say I miss you Victor Ching
And you are on your way to Stafford in UK
I know it's too late to say I'm fond of you
You've got a girl from Singapore
Who you didn't like before

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