

In fact, just eight minutes love good

发表于 2007-1-9 05:58  2647 次点击

[sell=10] Love the feeling ``` always at the very beginning feel very of Comrades, Almost a Love ``` is adamant that much more one wants others to follow suit ``` one more people help you-sharing ``` you finally no longer rather lonely, ``` at least one people think of you ``` Ⅵ you ``` regardless of do anything ``` As long as they can together ``` is good ``` but slowly the ``` Along with their mutual understanding for the political faith in this important thinking is ``` you begun to come to each other's shortcomings ``` Thus, the problem one after another occurred ``` you started Irritating ``` accrued ``` or even an attempt to evade ``` Some people say love just like to pick a rock only to ``` always want to cut to the chase, a suitable place for himself ``` However you how know what time be able to cut to the chase,? She also suitable for you ``` you? In fact, love is like a millstone like ```` `` Maybe you just pick up the ``` ``` but is not so satisfied with the people remember it is a flexible ``` many things can be changed if you want ``` ``` courage ``` everywhere even go and pick up plastic with a rock ``` still unknown if the owners have placed their Moliang ``` you start grinding stone? A lot of people think that because of feelings of the people will become lazy ``` so wrong ``` ``` was actually the first to conquer inertia ``` ``` Therefore, the feelings of love will pale-green is not only timely but also necessary to understand tolerance ``` many things may change is the mood of space ``` you understand? When you love a person and you feel that he ``` good ``` That does not mean that you will choose ``` we said : "I want to find their own DUCKY the ``` would love ```" But when the other asking you ``` what is DUCKY when ``` you did not answer his ``` because you do not know ``` right ``` we always thought ``` we will find ourselves DUCKY the ``` But they later ``` when we suddenly look back ``` we will find himself how ***** ``` if never started ``` you how to know she will DUCKY person? In fact, the feeling ``` ``` DUCKY is to be found only after going through a lot together the ``` Perhaps everyone wants to find a mate of their choice 100% but you have no wish to ``` ``` on your side than someone would have already been paid for a long time ``` you find that it is not you? Therefore ``` or to look carefully at people at the side of the cafes ``` he would perhaps have already waited for you a long time Lackeys ``` When you love a person's time ``` love to-eighth that absolute has just good ``` love to Qi Ba Fen the time ``` misses grieved there will only be Qi Ba Fen ``` monopolizing all the selfishness there will only be Qi Ba Fen ``` wait for the torments of Council has only Qi Ba Fen ``` expectations and hopes will also Only Qi Ba Fen ``` the remaining February 3 sub-will used to love their ``` If you continue to love more ``` could have the other side a heavy pressure ``` let each other can not breathe ``` completely lost the love the fun ``` If you love a person ``` With the An ``` opportunities and let him fly free if he goes back to your side ``` ``` ``` So it is predestined to ``` 1938 just love good ``` PS : It is the wise choice to give up is a wise choice for those who choose to abandon the interpretation given up by leaps and learn how to choose and give up only know how to give up the chance to have a mature insight, and sometimes more important than the choice[/sell]

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#1 - 2007-1-9 05:58
kindred 地球
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