

录取通知 Accepted

发表于 2006-11-26 21:04  4522 次点击


讓我想起該死的折騰的高考以至於我無処可去躲在這個蹩腳的容身之処沒有任何好地方可以接受如片中所描述的我僅僅是被拒絕而無法拒絕這話拗口以至於直中我心我像個剛進高中的小憤怒一般宣洩重疊兩年的糟糕情緒如主角所述權威們縂以各種藉口阻撓你 拒絕你 生活似乎抛棄你一起不為所願一起以虛浮的傳統準則和金錢來壓制你用習慣性的資格判斷並鄙視你一切機構和部門以原有的價值觀來衡量你並且不願意接收你 yeah. i hate my life. [wmv=250,50,1]http://www.oaic.cn/let_drummer_kick.mp3[/wmv] Let The Drummer Kick 歌词 Let the drummer kick Let the drummer kick that [repeat] Relations Creation Incarceration Determination Equation Humiliation Reincarnation Situation Elation Identification Retaliation Education Inspiration No substitution Solution Conclusion Let the drummer kick Let the drummer kick that [repeat] Relations (Apollo had to break 'em) Creation (A gift, a blessing) Incarceration (What keeps you down) Determination (What gets you out) Equation (When they said you could make it) Humiliation (What you feel when they say it) Reincarnation (N-A-V) Situation (Why we've got to sing) Elation (Let the drummer kick, so many in need) Identification (Gives you the right to shoot) Retaliation (What would it do) Education (Gives you the right to choose) Inspiration (Is what pulls you through) No substitution (No subsitute) Non-inclusion (You've got to bust through) Drug infusion (For the chosen few) Mass confusion (When they say that they died for you) Solution (It can take a hold of you) Conclusion Inspiration (Is what pulls you through) Let the drummer kick (Inspiration) Let the drummer kick that (Inspiration) [repeat] You don't even have to wait You don't even have to wait Let the drummer kick Let the drummer kick that 片段一此仿冒大学接受了基本上本区全部问题学生主角上台 打算告诉这些人其实自己是个骗子 没料到会有这么多人来当初他仅仅为欺骗父母而制造的假大学后来他动情 决定全力办下去"当我被你们大学录取的时候 我父母第一次为我感到自豪""你们当中多少人申请了其他大学"全部"多少人如愿以偿"所有人失败"我知道被拒绝的滋味 我没有进入真正的大学 真正的好大学对你说不 你不够优秀...找间房子 一个朋友 这里你可以继续你的梦想我没办法对你说不欢迎来到南哈蒙大学 S.H.I.T.=South Hamon In.Tech." 預告片 部分正片 片名:Accepted 译名:录取通知导演:斯蒂夫·平克Steve Pink 主演:贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long    乔纳·希尔 Jonah Hill    布莱克·莱弗利 Blake Lively    亚当·赫斯曼 Adam Herschman 类型:喜剧级别:PG-13(涉及粗口,性内容和毒品使用) 出品:美国环球影片公司 Universal Pictures 上映日期:2006年8月18日(美国) 官方网站:www.acceptedmovie.com/index1.html

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