

[純粹] 【wont return..】

发表于 2010-1-21 12:04  5119 次点击

You promised you wouldn't leave me
You promised  you would live,
You promised  you would love me forever,
You left, and won't return ...
Are you still able to love me ?
Dark days surround you before, behind... ...
Promises are just empty words
Praying to be betrayed
Because some things Are just made To be broken
I’ll make you a promise
Here, I’ll even dress it in pink
And in laces and bows
Let’s make this tasteless just so it shows
And everybody knows
Just how juvenile and fake it is
Take my phrases and paint them true
Though I’m biting lies and insecurities
I know I won’t hold true,
For how could I?
I’m certainly not a perfect face
And my past sure as hell is no clean slate
Let’s all make a promise
Just so we can break it
It’s written on fine parchment
and etched in golden ink,
Now it’s real and documented;
To that I can’t contest
But when the hour strikes loud
On the night of my infidelity
The cost of the paper shall echo the worth
Of that broken promise ...

我想, 7次以后的对折也最多是沿着前面的轨迹印子重复罢了. 重复着对折, 重复着念,1, 2, 3, 4... 然后又倔强的在 第六次 对折印子时

候 不断的思念着...
You promised you wouldn't leave me
You promised  you would live,
You promised  you would love me forever,
But, You left,
and won't return ...

本主题共有 2 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2011-10-24 19:10
吕加奇 地球

#2 - 2012-4-9 22:34
xdcyy2012 地球
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