

[可口] Wherever You Will Go — the Calling

发表于 2008-7-9 20:35  3993 次点击



So lately, been wondering
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go

And maybe, I'll find out
A way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you
Through the darkest of your days
If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all
Then I hope there's someone out there
Who can bring me back to you

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go

Run away with my heart
Run away with my hope
Run away with my love

I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart, in your mind
I'll stay with you for all of time

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go

If I could turn back time
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine
I'll go wherever you will go
I'll go wherever you will go   

来自洛杉矶,五人组摇滚团体The Calling是个以南加州为根源,创作出既爽朗又不落俗套的洛杉矶摇滚新劲旅。在吉他手艾伦凯门与主唱艾利克斯班德的创作驱动下,“The Calling”顺利地成为今年度最幸运的新进乐队。《Camino Palmero》这张轰动全美、校园销售大破金唱片、称霸Billboard告示牌排行新秀乐队的首张专辑,走的是美式“恋爱摇滚”的清新风格:他们的作品能同时讨好成人市场与青年市场,而且在专辑里的歌曲同时呈现深刻的民谣风格及不俗的摇滚节奏,主唱Alex的声音实在超出新一代乐队主唱的水准,不过 The Calling叫人深刻难忘的是“旋律性”,甚少摇滚团体能把作品一致地将整张专辑做的如此琅琅上口,令电台DJ一播再播,但是又能守住风格中该有的特质,一种清新摇滚的气息 。
Billboard Top5抒情作《Wherever You Will Go》走进热恋男女的内心深处,不但是市场的最爱也是2002年美国电台DJ的新宠,这首作品也自然成了打头阵的首发单曲。第二首单曲《Adrienne》已激昂的摇滚火力,嘶吼逝去的恋情......


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