

[流體] Travis - Side

发表于 2008-6-27 16:18  4458 次点击

Compose / Lyrics / Vocal / Travis.

Well I believe there's someone watching over you
They're watching every single thing you say
And when you die
They'll set you down and take you through
You'll realise one day
That the grass is always greener on the other side
The neighbour's got a new car that you wanna drive
And when time is running out you wanna stay alive
We all live under the same sky
We all will live, we all will die
There is no wrong, there is no right
The circle only has one side
We all try hard to live our lives in harmony
For fear of falling swiftly overboard
But life is both a major and minor key
Just open up the chord
But the grass is always greener on the other side
The neighbour's got a new car that you wanna drive
And when time is running out you wanna stay alive
We all live under the same sky
We all will live, we all will die
There is no wrong, there is no right
The circle only has one side


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#1 - 2012-4-26 14:01
hd7888 地球
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