

[流體] Suede-everything will flow

发表于 2007-7-31 17:17  3211 次点击

這是一張山羊皮,是的,怪怪的,正如everything will flow。

Watch the early morning sun 观那初晨的太阳
Drip like blood from the day 犹如黎明的血滴
See the crazy people run 看那奔放自由的人们
So many games to play 生活得无忧无虑
See the blue suburban dream 那是真正郊区生活的梦想
Under the jet plane sky 皆在飞机飞过的天空下
Sleep away and dream a dream 日子在睡梦中度过
Life is just a lullaby 生命就像一首摇篮曲
Ahh, and everything will flow 万物都将流逝
Ahh, you know everything will flow 你知道一切皆会流逝


Watch the day begin again 看那再次升起的太阳
Whispering into the night 悄悄地走向了夜晚
See the crazy people play 看那疯狂生活的人们
Hurrying under the light 在阳光下匆忙
A million cars, a million trains 无数的汽车 无数的火车
Under the jet plane sky 皆在飞机飞过的天空下
Nothing lost and nothing gained 无所失亦无所得
Life is just a lullaby 生命就像一首摇篮曲
Ahh, and everything will flow 一切皆会流逝
Ahh, I said everything will flow 我说万物皆逝
Ahh, you know everything will flow 你懂得万物将会流逝


Ahh... and everything will flow 一切都会逝去
Ahh... you know everything will flow 你明白一切都会逝去
The neon lights in the night tonight will say
Everything will flow 夜晚的霓虹灯会说 一切都将流逝
The stars that shine in the open sky will say
Everything will flow 广袤的天空中闪烁的繁星会说 一切都将流逝
The lovers kissed with an openness will say
Everything will flow 当众热吻的恋人会说 一切都将流逝
The cars parked in the hypermarket know
Everything will flow 超市前停泊的汽车也懂得 一切都将流逝

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