

[銳] Relient K - The Best Thing

发表于 2007-6-1 15:50  3280 次点击

It's been a year
Filled with problems
But now you're here
Almost as if to solve them
And I can't live in
a world without you now
All my life
I've been searching for you
How did I survive
In this world before you
'cause I don't wanna live
another day without you now
This is the best thing
The best thing that
could be happening
And I think you would agree
The best thing is that it's
Happening to you and me
All I'm gonna have
Is all that you can give me
And I'll give right back
Everything I have in me
'cause nothing ever felt as right
As this does right now
I'll go back to before we met
Can I erase the past
Try harder to forget 'cause
Nothing will ever be as
good as here and now
'cause when I looked into your eyes
And you dared to stare right back
You should've said
"Nice to meet you,
I'm your other half"
And this is the best thing
The best thing that could be happening
And I think you would agree
The best thing is that it's happening
This is the best thing
The best thing that could
be happening (the best thing)
And I think you would agree
(whoooaaa whooaa)
The best thing is that it's
Happening to you and me
The best thing is that it's
Happening to you and me
Always knew
I'd find someone
I never dreamt
It'd be like this
You've surpassed
All that I've hoped for
(and ever wished)
And I'm tryin'
So hard
WIth all my heart and mind
To make your life
As good as you've made mine
This is the best thing
The best thing that could be happening
And I think you would agree (whooaaa)
The best thing is that
it's happening to you and me
The best thing that could be happening
I think you would agree
The best thing is
that it's happening to you and me

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#1 - 2007-6-15 21:56
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