

[銳] Death Cab For Cutie - Crooked Teeth

发表于 2007-6-1 15:28  3476 次点击


It was one hundred degrees, as we sat beneath a willow tree,


And I knew I'd made horrible call,
And now the state line felt like the Berlin wall,
And there was no doubt about which side I was on.

Cause I built you a home in my heart,
With rotten wood, it decayed from the start.

Cause you can't find nothing at all,
If there was nothing there all along.
No you can't find nothing at all,
If there was nothing there all along.

I braved treacherous streets,
And kids strung out on homemade speed.
And we shared a bed in which I could not sleep,
At all, woo, hoo, woo, hooOoOo.

Cause at night the sun in the tree,
Made the skyline look like crooked teeth,
In the mouth of a man who was devouring, us both.

You're so cute when you're slurring your speech,
But they're closing the bar and they want us to leave.

And you can't find nothing at all,
If there was nothing there all along.
No you can't find nothing at all,
If there was nothing there all along.

I'm a war, of head versus heart,
And it's always this way.
My head is weak, my heart always speaks,
Before I know what it will say.

And you can't find nothing at all,
If there was nothing there all along.
No you can't find nothing at all,
If there was nothing there all along

本主题共有 5 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2007-6-2 09:04
笨笨 地球
#2 - 2007-7-8 21:53
孜小泥。 地球
#3 - 2007-7-9 00:07
忽惚 地球
Ben Gibbard说:“我们的歌曲是真诚的,也许我们会为丘比特的冷落而忧心忡忡,也许我们不会把痛苦和听众分享,但是我们只是想唱一些快乐的歌曲与别人分享。”

他們有sonic youth給我們帶來的某種親切。
#4 - 2007-7-24 20:34
奇葩 月球
#5 - 2007-7-26 16:43
violinm 地球
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