[本能] 法国年仅13岁DJ--One-T《the magic key》 发表于 2008-2-15 17:34 4253 次点击
《the magic key》
Listen up!
To my days change my ways
This sudden to my days
Makes me wish I"d changed my ways
Spent more time with the posse
One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me
From up here, life seems so small
what"s the
meaning of it all?
Miss the way it used to be
One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me
Where in the world could I be?
Homies looking so cool, cool, I"m cool-t!
Tuxedos made of snow
Is there something I should know?
Mom and Pop and little bro
Dead and gone so long ago
Could this be paradise at last?
The first test I"ve ever passed
Music"s the odyssey
It"s here for you, for me
Just listen find the magic key
Music"s the odyssey
It"s here for you, for me
Just listen let your life be free
Blissful days, what you gonna do?
Still I miss my old t-crew
Can"t afterlive without"em
I just wish they only knew!
May they have lived without a home
But my homies love me kept me warm
Taught me to forget "bout the game
Money, hatred, hunger, pain
This sudden to my days
Makes me wish I"d changed my ways
Spent more time with the posse
One-t, Nine-t, Bull-t, me
Music"s the odyssey
It"s here for you, for me
Just listen find the magic key (yours truly)
Music"s the odyssey (yeah)
It"s here for you, for me (magic key)
Just listen like your life be free
Missing you, missing you
Missing you, magic crew
Missing you, missing you
Missing you, magic crew
Had a meeting with my maker
The superhuman baker
He popped me in the oven
And set the dial to lovin"
Now I watch over my boys
Help"em keep on making noise
Never pictured me with wings
Guess I"ve heard of stranger things
Music"s the odyssey
It"s here for you, for me
Just listen find the magic key
(Cool T yours truly)
Music"s the odyssey (aha aha)
It"s here for you, for me (yeah yeah)
Just listen like your life be free (Cool T yours truly)
Music"s the odyssey
It"s here for you, for me
Just listen find the magic key
Listen up!
Music"s the odyssey
It"s here for you, for me
Just listen let your life be free
Listen up!
One-T And Cool-T
其实One-T And Cool-T是一个年仅13岁的DJ,来自法国的普罗旺斯,小小年纪就可以把House音乐玩得出神入化,但是因为她的年纪,为了不和法国的青少年保护法抵触,她一直隐姓埋名,在朋友的帮助下独自组织了很多次精彩的派对,但是没有人知道她的真实姓名,没有人见过她长什么样,她每次的DJ表演都会戴一个面具,每次的面具都不一样。她所有的MV中也一律是以卡通形象露面,让人不识庐山真面目。
来自巴黎的 DJ One-T,以一曲〈Music is the One-t odc〉〈音乐大冒险〉扬名国际,最新力作是在二○○三年底帮法国飘邈天后 Mylène Farmer 米莲法莫 的最新混音大碟操刀一首一九九五年名曲〈L'instant X〉〈神秘时刻〉,不过 巴黎 还是喜欢 Mylène Farmer 米莲法莫 原本的版本。这张大红特红的单曲,『odc』代表的是『Odyssey』,荷马史诗中的『奥德赛』冒险故事,也是美国最新登上火星太空船的名字;一共推出五种版本,包括这张 巴黎 不断重复听的『Episode One』版本。内藏了统统都很好跳的『Giuseppe d.’s nyc odyssey mix』、『Brazilian extended mix』、『andy & the lamboy remix』、『denice the menace club mix』。其中『Brazilian extended mix』更加重了原曲中铜管合奏带来的拉丁欢乐感觉!