

[可口] If everyone cared

发表于 2007-7-31 10:30  3412 次点击

Nickleback很有磁性的声音 略带沙哑 但是唱得很有气势
歌词写得也挺有深度 下面贴出来.

nickelback - if everyone cared

from underneath the trees, we watch the sky
confusing stars for satellites
i never dreamed that you'd be mine
but here we are, we're here tonight
singing amen, i'm alive
singing amen, i'm alive

if everyone cared and nobody cried
if everyone loved and nobody lied
if everyone shared and swallowed their pride
we'd see the day when nobody died
and i'm singing
amen i..., i'm alive
amen i..., i'm alive

and in the air the fireflies
our only light in paradise
we'll show the world they were wrong
and teach them all to sing along
singing amen i'm alive
singing amen i'm alive

[chorus (x2)]
if everyone cared and nobody cried
if everyone loved and nobody lied
if everyone shared and swallowed their pride
we'd see the day when nobody died

and as we lie beneath the stars
we realize how small we are
if they could love like you and me
imagine what the world could be
if everyone cared and nobody cried
if everyone loved and nobody lied
if everyone shared and swallowed their pride
we'd see the day when nobody died
we'd see the day, we'd see the day
when nobody died
we'd see the day, we'd see the day
when nobody died
we'd see the day when nobody died


本主题共有 2 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2007-7-31 10:38
溢の羽落 月球
呵呵 收啦~
#2 - 2007-7-31 11:06
奇葩 月球
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