

[銳] The Fight Song-----marilyn manson

发表于 2007-7-29 11:24  3224 次点击

The Fight Song-----marilyn manson

Nothing suffocates you more than
the passing of everyday human events
Isolation is the oxygen mask you make
your children breath into survive

But I'm not a slave to a god
that doesn't exist
But I'm not a slave to world
that doesn't give a shit

And when we were good
you just closed you eyes
So when we are bad
we're going to scar your minds

fight, fight, fight, fight

You'll never grow up to be a big-
They'll just cut our wrists like
cheap coupons and say that death
was on sale today

And when we were good
you just closed you eyes
So when we are bad
we're scar your minds

But I'm not a slave to a god
that doesn't exist
But I'm not a slave to world
that doesn't give a shit

the death of one is a tragedy
the death of one is a tragedy
the death of one is a tragedy
but death of a million is just a statistic


fight, fight, fight, fight

本主题共有 1 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2007-7-29 13:48
piscean 水星
o ~!!很震撼啊!!! [s:9]
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