

[可口] 很浪漫的一首英文歌《loving you》

发表于 2006-8-2 08:06  4596 次点击

很浪漫的一首英文歌《loving you》

Loving you is easy
Cause you''re beautiful
Making love with you
Is all I wanna to do
Loving you is more than
Just a dream comes ture
Cause everything that I do
Is out of loving you

La la la .....
Doo doo doo ......

No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me while we grow old
And we will live each day in springtimes
Cause loving you
Has made my life so beautiful
( Is easy cause you''re beautiful )
Every day of my life
Is filled with loving you
Loving you I see your soul
Come shining thru
Every time that we oh....
I''m more in love with you

La la la .....
Doo doo doo ......

No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me while we grow old
And we will live each day in springtimes
Cause loving you
Has made my life so beautiful
( Is easy cause you''re beautiful )
Every day of my life
Is filled with loving you
Loving you I see your soul
Come shining true
Every time that we oh....
I''m more in love with you

La la la .....
Doo doo doo ....

下载地址: http://dongua.cnfortune.net/download/lovingyou.mp3

本主题共有 3 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2006-8-8 21:42
叮當 地球
#2 - 2006-8-9 09:08
ryokey 地球
#3 - 2006-8-11 21:46
be_lov_ed 疯人院
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