

[純夏] i'd rather Dance with you Fr. Kings Of Convenience

发表于 2009-7-16 23:57  3540 次点击



I'd rather dance with you
than talk with you,
so why don't we just move into the other room.
There's space for us to shake,
and 'hey, I like this tune'.

Even if I could hear what you said,
I doubt my reply would be interesting
for you to hear.
Because I haven't read a single book all year,
and the only film I saw,
I didn't like it at all.

I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.

The music's too loud
and the noise from the crowd
increases the chance of misinterpretation.
So let your hips do the talking.
I'll make you laugh by acting like the guy who sings,
and you'll make me smile by really Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.
Getting into the swing.

I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.

I'd rather dance than talk with you.
I'd rather dance than talk with you.

两个挪威少年Eirik Glambek Boe和Erlend Oye及两把传统吉他组成了双人乐团Kings Of Convenience。清新完美的二部合声如同一股清流般轻轻柔柔地流过人们冰封沉疾已久的心;彷佛呼吸着清新舒适的空气,在唯美浪漫、清新脱俗的乐章里,让自己享有短暂片刻的恬静。由于干净的歌喉与清新的音阅风格,受到挪威的知名的名摇唱片公司Source赏识签约,并被称赞为新世代的Simon & Garfunkal。

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