

[本能] How much - David Mead 漫過思念的邊際

发表于 2008-8-25 20:19  5090 次点击

Artist: David Mead
Album:Wherever You Are(ep)
Release date: 2005-06-28
Genre:Indie pop/ country
Label: Eleven Thirty

原本这张包含六首歌曲的ep起初是2002全长专辑的一部分,不巧厂牌RCA进入合并期而减少了相当一部分旗下艺人,包括David Mead。在转投其他厂牌后,04年发行了专辑Indiana,05年夏天,Mead选了流产专辑中的六首歌曲发行了这张ep。没有修饰,不是娇揉造作,又不过于粗犷,简单的美,给你是种真实的感动和温暖。

1. Wherever You Are(试听)   
2. Hold On
3. Only A Dream
4. Astronaut
5. Make It Right
6. How Much


You don't know,how much i could miss you.

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本主题共有 4 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2008-8-25 20:32
小丢同学 地球
#2 - 2008-8-27 17:19
珊.e 地球
#3 - 2008-9-4 01:13
软寞 在路上
suicidal morning,
a pink and purple glow
city's up and yawning,
a blanket made of snow
sentimental movie from many years ago
you don't know how much
i'm gonna miss you

funny seeds from china,
all the fruit of france
mix it up inside you,
it makes you wanna dance
a temporary measure,
the devil in your pants
you don't know how much
i'm gonna miss you

many, many times could we do it again and we did it
every other night we would try it for old time's sake
many, many hearts and they beat with the blood of the city
maybe we could float out a couple of poisoned veins
god is always watching,
he's music in your throat
injured little island,
pink and purple nose
the proof is in the concrete,
stop has turned to go

you don't know how much i'm gonna miss you
you don't know how much i'm gonna miss you
you don't know how much i'm gonna miss you


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#4 - 2008-9-4 01:15
软寞 在路上

没事.反正听歌看不到脸...= =
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