

[本能] Muse - Endlessly

发表于 2008-7-4 20:28  4064 次点击

There's part of me
You'll never know
The only thing
I'll never show

Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
Hopelessly, I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up.
I won't let you down
I won't leave you falling
If the moment ever comes

It's plain to see,
It's trying to speak
Cherished dreams
Forever asleep

Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
Hopelessly, I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
I won't let you down
I won't leave you falling
If the moment ever comes.

Hopelessly, I'll love you endlessly
Hopelessly, I'll give you everything
But I won't give you up
I won't let you down
I won't leave you falling
But the moment never comes.


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