

[可口] 《In The End》Linkin Park

发表于 2006-11-7 11:03  3456 次点击

标题:In the End
乐队:Linkin Park
专辑:Hybrid Theory 流星圣殿(大概啊,记不清了)

it starts with]
one thing i don't know why
it doesn't even matter how hard you try
keep that in mind i designed this rhyme
to explain in due time
all i know

time is a valuable thing
watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
watch it count down to the end of the day
the clock ticks life away
it's so unreal

didn't look out below
watch the time go right out the window
trying to hold on but didn't even know
wasted it all just to
watch you go

i kept everything inside and even though
i tried it all fell apart
what it meant to me will eventually be
a memory of a time when i tried so hard
i tried so hard
and got so far
but in the end
it doesn't even matter
i had to fall
and lose it all
but in the end
it doesn't even matter
one thing i don't know why
doesn't even matter how hard you try
keep that in mind i designed this rhyme
to explain in due time
i tried so hard

in spite of the way you were mocking me
acting like i was part of your property
remembering all the times you fought with me
i'm surprised it got so
things aren't the way they were before
you wouldn't even recognize me anymore
not that you knew me back then
but it all comes back to me

in the end
you kept everything inside and even though
i tried it all fell apart
what it meant to me will eventually be
a memory of a time when i
i tried so hard
and got so far
but in the end
it doesn't even matter
i had to fall
and lose it all
but in the end
it doesn't even matter

i put my trust in you
pushed as far as i can go
and for all this
there's only one thing you should know

  乐团起初希望起名为"混合理论",即他们首张专辑的名字。但后来发现已经有了名为"混合理论"的乐团,使得他们只好改名。恰巧此时乐团途径纽约,大都市的繁荣喧嚣深深感染了乐团的六位年轻人,他们决定,以纽约著名的"Lincoln Park(林肯公园)"作为乐团的名称。
  乐团的奋斗经历坎坷。他们在20世纪90年代就已经开始尝试的说唱金属风格,在很长一段时间中,得不到主流音乐行业的赏识。在签约出片的过程中,三年来不知道有少主流唱片公司不屑他们,他们举办42场试唱会来赢取合约,失败了42次,连签下他们的华纳也曾多次回绝,而如今他们成为“华纳之宝”,以漂亮的销售数字狠狠地让看不起联合公园的人跌破眼镜。而在他们苦苦等待唱片公司签约的同时,他们的单曲《ONE STEP CLOSER》却在网路上大红特红,在雅虎的歌迷讨论区短短一个月就涌入千篇的讨论,在BBS上更是当红话题。也正是网络的力量使得华纳提前意识到了乐团的宝贵价值,毅然与之签约。
  但乐团在网络上的走红也为乐团的最后定型添加了小小插曲,那就是他们最终发现,即便是在强大的网络基础支持下,他们也是不可能注册到"LINCOLN PARK.COM"这个域名,但乐团又不能缺乏网络的后盾。所以,乐团的最终名称就成为了今天的"LINKIN' PARK"(令肯公园),而"LINKINPARK.COM"也就顺理成章地成为了乐团的官方网站。  乐队在20世纪中,曾陆续推出过一些单曲和EP。千禧年的10月24日,乐队推出了他们的首张大碟《混合理论》(HYBRID THEORY)。自从这个日子以后,"令肯公园"的音乐,以及这支乐团所代表的一切,就一发不可收拾的如日中天起来。专辑中共收录了乐团的12首歌曲,每一首都是说唱金属的经典之作。2001年,这张专辑取得了美国本土的最高销量,连续75周占据专辑销售排行榜前5名位置,并仍在不停地刷新着自身的销售记录,直到今天。目前,这张专辑的全球销量保守估计在一千六百多万张左右。
  良好的销售状态使得华纳唱片迅速在2001年底推出了《混合理论》的双张全球庆功版,其中添加了乐队的演出现场录音,以及两首全新歌曲《MY DECEMBER》和《HIGH VOLTAGE》,并打算继续推出该专辑的混音版和"公园鼓舞翻唱版"。

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