Color Filter是一只來自日本東京的電子樂隊,靈魂人物Ryuji Tsuneyoshi身兼吉他,譜曲的工作,並且他居然是獲過獎的核物理學家....和平日印像中的定位頗為不同。他在1996年組成了Color Filter這個樂隊,因為他發現可以用AKAI采樣器和Macintosh制作音樂的可能性。同時,他也為自己工作的商業電視台作曲。對於Tsuneyoshi來說,他不被任何人影響而做有自己喜愛的音樂,遠比他曾在一個受英國後朋克影響的樂隊中當吉他手所獲得機會要多得多。值得慶幸,他做出了這個明智的決定,才讓我們聽到了以清新的鼓聲和貝斯和諧伴奏的電氣樂隊Color Filter。樂隊另一成員就是主音Yuki Nishimura,嗓音纖細柔美,亦如眾多日式女聲夢幻般的呻吟,並有人將其與Saint Etienne, Cocteau Twins, Stereolab and Broadcast等等作比。
Color Filter is an electronic pop cooperative from Tokyo headed by Ryuji Tsuneyoshi, a guitarist, composer, and award-winning nuclear physicist.
Tsuneyoshi started Color Filter in 1996 after discovering the possibilities of making music with an AKAI sampler and a Macintosh. He also writes music for TV commercials (one of his works can be heard regularly on ESPN during the X-Games).
For Tsuneyoshi, the ability to produce music on his own, without the aid of others, held much more promise than his then-current position as a guitarist in a band with influences in U.K. post-punk music.
Indeed, the blissful drum and bass-oriented electro pop of their new album “Silent Way” features 11 new tracks and vocals from Yuki Nishimura, her voice has drawn comparisons to Saint Etienne, Cocteau Twins, Stereolab and Broadcast.
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01 Sad Gray Sky
02 Star Above You
03 Blue
04 Great Northern Hotel
05 Texture Of Dub
06 The Dolphins
07 Let Me Sleep
08 Children Of Summer
09 Give This A WHirl
10 I'm Not Sad In This World
似乎取自專輯i often think in music,驢子也下不到整張專輯,百度能找到一些。