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作者: 鬼鬼    时间: 2008-8-1 19:41     标题: Always and forever





may 22 2005 was the day
promise to you baby girl
my feeling stayin this way
never wanna hurt you
never will i leave you alone
everytime i'm by your side is when i'm really at home
Always and Forever
thats the pinky promise we made
your the reason why i'm smiling every start of the day
and i hope you know i mean it everytime that i say
i love you Always and Forever
it'll always be the same
through all the joy and the pain
i wanna be there for you
cryin everytime you cry and sharin laughter with you
when i look up into your eyes
i know when love is really true
aint nothin i wont do if i can see my baby smile
remember you can call me anytime you feelin down
no girl could take your place and love me like the way you do
so ima hold on tight cuz i need you by my side
its me and you forever babe, i need you in my life

we were created to find each other
our fate written down for us to love forever
our hands locking tight as i look into the eyes
of that one special person who would complete my life
you were the one i choose out of all the rest
the one who i would cherish and i'll put in all my best
just to stay in your arms as you hold me tight
cuz baby, bein with you just feels so right

every second that i live im thinking of you
how we met was destiny
our love is honest and true
tell me what am i supposed to do if i aint got you here
i wanna be the one thats by your side through the years
wanna be the one who's gonna fight away all your tears
replacin it with happiness and take away all your fears
one day we're gonna look at all our pictures and reminise
crazy all the things you do to me with just a little kiss
i wouldn't trade you for the world
you're all that i need
you're the only girl that ever got me feelin' so free
and i love you
with all my heart and soul till i die
i truly need you
baby your the light in my life
and i know it that one day for sure you're gonna be my wife
just hold on tight becuz im always gonna treat you right
my baby and my closest friend
i love you baby girl
until the day i die, i'll try to give you the world

we were created to find each other
our fate written down for us to love forever
our hands locking tight as i look into the eyes
of that one special person who would complete my life
you were the one i choose out of all the rest
the one who i would cherish and i'll put in all my best
just to stay in your arms as you hold me tight
cuz baby, bein with you just feels so right

if lovin you is wrong then i dont wanna be right
cant imagine what this life would be without you by my side
the day we met, i cant explain the way that i felt
feelin all these emotions that i cant even help
if i didn't meet you, there would be no smile on my face
you doin everything to me to make my heartbeat race
every little thing we do is just so special to me
we are meant to be, that something that i truly agree
and i know its fate and destiny, i see it in your eyes
every time you smile, i cant explain the feelin in side
always gonna treat you good, exactly like the first day
just promise me, baby, that you'll never go away

boy talking:
i love you baby
always and forever you know what im sayin
yea its always gonna be me and you right
yea cuz i aint ever lettin go you know what im sayin
i just wanted to let you know that

作者: xdcy998    时间: 2012-4-18 14:53

秀秀是我家的一只小猫。  去年初秋的一个晚上,女儿怀里抱着个小方盒回来,我以为她又买了什么化妆品。  “王老太太水冷式冷水机参数 ,你猜我给你拿什么回来,想看看吗?”女儿凑到我面前问我。我瞟了她两眼,心想还有什么好看的,不就是化妆品吗电镀冷水机 ,还用看。  女儿坐我跟前,打开手中的小盒子,啊,是个小猫,很小很小,看得出来是个刚出生没有多久的小猫。“你从哪里搞来的小猫还在吃奶吧!”我有些惊讶地问  “是朋友送给我的防爆冷水机 ,长大放我们办公室逮老鼠,办公室的老鼠很多还特别大,真的”。女儿一双圆圆的大眼睛盯着我的脸说:“求求你的王老太太die-machine  ,帮我养养可以吗?”我笑了一下心想,这么小的猫去逮老鼠,我看老鼠逮它还擦不多。女儿在没有外人时总是叫我王老太太水冷螺杆式冷水机 ,说这样更亲近,没有距离感。  我看这猫长的很秀气,也很可爱就问:“有名字吗?”  “没有风冷式冷水机参数 ,干脆就叫秀秀吧!刚出生一个月朋友给抱过来了。”女儿说。  从这以后,秀秀就成我家一个小成员。女儿是秀秀妈妈模温机 ,我是秀秀外婆。秀秀到我家可真是有福,每天要给喂牛奶喝,晚上还要睡我枕头跟前。我生怕秀半夜饿了要喝****成功案例 ,它刚来的那些天心里总是睡不安。  几个月过去了,秀秀也慢慢长大了。的确,秀秀现在真的很可爱,全身长花纹班的长毛水冷式冷水机 ,奇怪的是,前左腿毛到脖子嘴上角全是雪白雪白的,好像似藏族穿服饰,右半身子是花纹服饰,左半身是洁白服饰。一双丹凤眼开放式冷水机 ,白鼻子,两只直立着的灰黄色耳朵永远都是警惕的样子,黑灰头顶略带白色。秀秀的叫声也很有特点象个胆胠的少女。肚子饿了,会跟着我,咬我有脚根,意思是说我的肚子饿了要吃饭。我好象听到了“外婆我要吃饭”的声音。  秀秀从小就被训练出了个“三不许”的好习惯,不需上床,不需乱拉大小便,不需乱吃食物。我特意为秀猫买猫食、便盆等。每一个星期洗2次澡,洗完吹风,梳猫,剪猫爪。像对孩子一样的管理。  秀秀近这两月变化很大,每天早上我一起床进卫生间,秀秀就会跑过来看我的表情。如果,我不说话表明同意在我身上可以多停留。  一天秀秀妈妈下班回来蹲下来秀秀抱在怀里,抚摸着头说:  “秀秀长大了,要给你找个老公,不能做老****,要你当妈妈。秀秀知道吗?当妈妈是很辛苦。还要有爱心,不能自私”。  我在旁边听着不由得感觉到女儿通过养猫懂事了,开始理解人生了,现在她知道当妈妈很辛苦,当妈妈要有爱心了。没想到养猫也能改变人的情性和心理。  一天早上,我打开卧室窗户通风,秀秀趁人不注意,跳上窗台顺墙边跑到厨房晾台,我还没有看见。  女儿说:“王老太看秀宝跑凉台不要掉下去了,快叫回来”  我说:“你快去到大卧室叫秀猫回来,不要大声,知道吗?轻轻的叫。”  女儿跑过去,声音不大叫秀秀……秀秀……你快回来,不要掉下去,你吓着妈妈啦!  秀秀似乎听懂了妈妈在叫自己,转过头慢慢地顺墙边一步一步走回来了。妈妈瞬间抓住秀秀打了几巴掌,警告你以后在往外跑我就……  养了一段时间,我与女儿都对秀秀有了感情,秀秀也成了我们家里的一员。现在真的理解了为什么网上对虐猫的人会是那样的谴责和声讨,原来这些人捍卫的是生命的权力。在自然界,任何生命都有生存的权力。人类可以虐待动物,要是再有比人类还高级的什么高级生命来虐待人类呢?有了秀秀,我也就经常想到了这些方面。  养猫唤醒了我的爱心,也让我明白了什么叫和谐。
作者: xdcy998    时间: 2012-4-18 15:16

    我是一只跳动的青蛙,    离开了田野,进入了清澈的池塘。        卡哇伊电镀冷水机 ,假若我有一双手,    我会搂着你安静地躺在夜空里。    卡哇伊冷水机 ,假若假若我有一双眼睛,    我会把你当作沿途最美的风景。    卡哇伊水冷螺杆式冷水机 ,假若我有一张可以到达你身边的羊城通,    我会选择不再离开。        我是一只唱歌的青蛙水温机 ,    爬上大树,与蝉虫为伴。        卡哇伊螺杆式冷水机 ,存在两只手,    但已经提上了行李。    卡哇伊,拥有两只眼睛冷水机 ,    风景已经悄然流逝。    卡哇伊,口袋里装着一张羊城通注塑专用冷水机 ,    地铁上,你与我搭乘不一样的线路。        我是一只青蛙高光无缝即冷即热模温机 ,    断了一根头发,多了一只手,少了一缕呼吸——    我向前一跳产品中心 ,掉进了巧克力味道的初夏。

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