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标题: [流體] Where Does This Ocean GO - Ilaria Graziano [打印本页]

作者: 巧克力    时间: 2007-10-27 17:39     标题: Where Does This Ocean GO - Ilaria Graziano



演唱:Ilaria Graziano
all day the city's selling something
always, the busy people spinning 'round
'til they go back home to somewhere
and taxies stop to say "hello"
"want a ride? I'll take you there"
"to anywhere, just tell my driver"
the sun is casting shadows
an afternoon is fading
I ask, but no one knows
the answer to the question
my life is like an island
where does this ocean go?
shyly, a wino sips his wine
slowly, cause to him that is all that matters
he sees a cat he knows so well
now sleeping on a bench together
a woman waiting by herself, selling flowers
"please buy some, so i can help my daughter, will you?"
the man with spider eyebrows
is standing on a corner
"who wants to see a show?"
his head looks like a melon
he turns into an alley
then stops to blow his nose
sky is filled with neon
the buildings stand electric
and almost seem to glow
want answers to the question
my life is like an island
where does the ocean go?
I really want to know
my life is like an island
it's time for me now to fly
where does the ocean go?
作者: 云淡    时间: 2012-5-2 13:59

    1    无数双尖锐的锥子    狠狠的扎我的眼    那些从嘴里    飞出来的石子    狠狠的落在我的骨头上        那时的我    还不是娴熟的工匠    不能准确的接住    飞来的刀与箭        害怕时注塑专用冷水机 ,你像个巨人    替我挡住了    前面的刀后面的箭    干练的身手    震慑住了扔刀的魔头    溃逃激光冷水机 ,如一只只惊恐的蚂蚁        你从容的挡住了    从北边来的风南边的雨    你努力使自己葳蕤    遮挡住陈世的流言    我知道    塞进我怀里的    那根骨头    外面是勇敢    里面是智慧    哦风冷螺杆式冷水机 ,母亲        2    被一双邪恶的眼睛    盯梢了    从白天到黑夜    像只被贪婪喂饱的幽魂    总是在你眨眼的功夫    盗走你身体里的养分    骨子里的活力    这个卑鄙的疯子    却把无数的苦难    从容的塞进你的兜        那些隐藏在黑暗里的    叛徒    悄然的密谋    在白与黑的较量中    温润的土地上    绞杀与驱逐正轮番上演        而你却安然的    坐在火焰的中央    从容的垂钓    岁月河里那尾贪婪的鱼

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