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标题: [棉花糖] usher burn(帅哥的嗓音) [打印本页]

作者: 囡佳児。    时间: 2007-8-18 16:36     标题: usher burn(帅哥的嗓音)


Girl, understand why
See it's burning me to hold onto this
I know this is something I gotta do
But that don't mean I want to
What I'm trying to say is that I-love-you I just
I feel like this is coming to an end
And its better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt you
I gotta let it burn
It's gonna burn for me to say this
But it's comin from my heart
It's been a long time coming
But we done been fell apart
Really wanna work this out
But I don't think ya gonna change ya
I do but you don't
Think it's best we go our separate ways
Tell me why I should stay in this relationship
When I'm hurting baby, I ain't happy baby
Plus theres so many other things I gotta deal with
I think that you should let it burn

When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
But you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

Deep down you know it's best for you except but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over
You know that it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

Sendin' pages I ain't supposed to
Got somebody here but I want you
Cause the feelin ain't the same find myself
Callin' her your name
Ladies tell me do you understand?
Now all my fellas do you feel my pain?
It's the way I feel
I know I made a mistake
Now it's too late
I know she ain't comin back
What I gotta do now
To get my shorty back oh
Man I don't know what I'm gonna do
Without my bo
You've been gone for too long
It's been fifty-eleven days, um-teen hours
Imma be burnin' till you return

When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
But you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn (let it burn, let it burn, you gon'learn)
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over
you know that it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

I'm twisted cuz one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry
I'm twisted cuz one side of me is tellin' me that I need to move on
On the other side I wanna break down and cry

So many days, so many hours
I'm still burnin' till you return

When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
But you know gotta let it go cuz the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn

Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over
You know that it was through
Let it burn
Let it burn
Gotta let it burn
作者: Leeiio.    时间: 2007-8-18 16:37

作者: 囡佳児。    时间: 2007-8-18 16:55

按那个FULL SCREEN。。可以看的额。/。
作者: 云淡    时间: 2012-5-2 17:15

三月,想起老家门前的桃树,那是父亲几年前种下的。每年的这个时候,父亲和母亲都会来电话说门前桃花已开,谷种已买,正在腾地,好好工作不用担心。  每年桃花一开,乡亲们都会为春耕而忙碌起来。父亲总是最先下地300℃高温油循环式模温机 ,他是农业好手。远远地看,梨子树山头已出现父亲弓腰劳作的身影,走进闻,旱烟的味道很浓,听声音,不时有持续的咳嗽——边劳作边抽旱烟已经是他的习惯。去年春天我从云南旅游回来,专门给父亲买了一个珍贵烟斗悬臂式货架 ,他舍不得用,把烟斗珍藏在抽屉里,说等竹烟斗坏了再用。那个春天,父母种下了年产8000斤的粮食。  五月,放眼田野,一片碧绿。端午节,父亲的生日,电话那头他说粽子包好了,猪腿炖好了风冷式电镀冷水机 ,等你回家。远在外县工作的我因太忙不想回家,父亲叮嘱“你们在外自己做点好吃的,注意身体……”,但却失望地挂了电话。电话这头的我百感交集,无法言语,喉咙有些发硬。后来母亲说,端午节那晚父亲一个人喝酒激光冷水机 ,醉得直说胡话。听到这事,我们兄弟间多的是抱怨父亲爱喝酒醉,而忽略了他喝酒的原因——是为想念儿女,为自己成了“留守老人”而喝闷酒!  六月,水稻齐刷刷地抽穗,丰收在望。那天太阳刚刚红彤彤地升起来工业冷水机 ,父亲就从田野割草回来了。就是那天的前夜,睡觉很早的我辗转难眠,第二天上班无精打采,像是什么预兆。不料,吃过午饭,躺在沙发上准备午休,老家传来噩耗:父亲被车撞,病危!我的大脑顿时一片空白工业冷水机技术资料 ,打家人电话都在忙碌,当我打通女友电话时,耳边伴有急救车的呼啸声,我顿时泪如雨下。单位领导知道后立即派车送我回家,在赶往老家县医院的过程中,我的心一直跳个不停,脑海总是浮现父亲劳作的背影和慈祥的笑容——怎么也和车祸扯不上关系啊!见我神情过度焦虑高光无缝即冷即热模温机 ,开车师傅一直安慰我,可越安慰我越抽泣起来。到达县医院,看到家人和乡亲们凝重的眼神,我抱头痛哭起来。父亲在急救室躺着,因脑出血,耳朵和鼻子也不停地冒血,是呼吸机在维持着他细微而艰难的呼吸……午夜时分工业冷水机 ,父亲驾鹤西去,我们强忍悲痛操办后事,把父亲安葬在他一辈子劳作的梨子树山头。  六月,留给了我一辈子的遗憾,我与父亲最后一次通话竟然是在端午节——他的生日那天;六月,父亲离开了他抽着旱烟守望的庄稼油温机 ,这季庄稼是父亲准备丰收给我结婚用的啊;六月,我们痛苦万分,我们失去了敬爱的慈父。  春天来了,来到梨子树山头,却再也找不到父亲弓腰劳作的身影,再也闻不到浓浓的旱烟味,再也听不到持续的咳嗽声。父亲的陈旧抽屉里水冷式冷水机 ,那个云南烟斗仍然静静地躺着,门前的桃花开得没有去年艳丽,却也唤醒了泡谷种的时令,唤起了我对父亲深深的思念,而父亲将长眠在梨子树山头,春夏秋冬,四季轮回。

作者: xiaoguo880621    时间: 2013-5-6 23:44

药流的最佳时间在怀孕早期,即停经49天以内。若超过49天,是不适合做药流的。而人流的最佳时间在35-45天左右,最迟在12周以内进行人工流产。药流长沙无痛人流 并不是人流,药流的最佳时间与人流不同,其两者的长沙无痛人流哪家好 成功率也有长沙专业无痛人流 差异的。并不能不能保证达到100%的成功,目前药物流产的成功率只有75%左右。换句话说,约有25%的妇女在使用药物流产后,因流产失败或出血过多、时间过长而仍旧需要接受清宫术。当然,清宫的危害要比人流大的多。 药物流产的过程,也非某些宣传中长沙人流医院 的那么简单,从服药到流产,一般需要3-4天。期间会有一定的不良反应,恶心、腹痛,少数妇女还会有痉挛性腹痛,对健康也会有一定影响。如果药物流产后出血时间长、出血量多,还会导致贫血和感染。但其远期副反应尚需进一步观察,用药后需严密观察,若药流失败,应及时手术长沙妇科医院哪家好 中止。而且药物流产 并非人人适用。年轻的初孕妇女长沙无痛人流哪家好 或未产妇女;有心肝、肾、生殖、内分泌系统疾病,烟酒嗜好;凡孕期长、胎囊大、年龄大孕次多、半年内有过人工流产史或剖宫产史、处于产后哺乳期、子宫畸形或合并子宫肌瘤的孕妇,均不适宜药流。

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