

[可口] [推荐]◆★★misery is butterfly★★◆

发表于 2006-7-28 20:46  4003 次点击


Track : 1. Elephant Woman

http://www.mytlsp.net/agenow/031 ... -Elephant_Woman.mp3

Angel I can see myself in your eyes
Angel won’t you feel for me from your heart
I wanna know how it'd feel
Do return my heart to me
No don’t insist I’m already hurt

Elephant girl
It was an accident unfortunate
Angel threw me like a rubber man
Aiming for the ground
Why amuse yourself in such way
No don’t insist I’m already hurt

Lay me down on the ground softly softly
Don’t remove my head hurts much too much

You never return it
Well I wouldn’t miss it
I shed no tears for broken me
You never know it my peace of mind
Now inside and outside are matching

Why amuse yourself in such way
No don’t insist I’m already hurt
If you never return it
Will it break your wings
Will you shed no tear for broken me




Stay still do be still
No wonder you are always lost
If a messenger you must be known
Then with messages you must return
To be seen by demanding hands

And touches of jealous men
Invisible and forgivable
To all their secret hands

Be it so be quick
Don’t run just walk and walk and walk
Don’t loose yourself to decorate
Somewhere on your wall
Cause somewhere in your mind
You know you are doing fine
Holding secret hair locks
You’ll pluck before you hide

So how can I keep anything to myself
So how can I keep any of these to myself
So how can I keep anything to myself
Behind those clouds
I’m almost home


http://www.mytlsp.net/agenow/031 ... 04-Doll_Is_Mine.mp3

3. Melody

She knows I can’t read
She knows I can’t write
But these are the letters from melody
Show me how to read
Show me how to write
These are the things you can do for me
These are the things you can do for me
These are the things you can do for me

Why did you kill that poor old man, melody
Why did you kill that poor old man, melody
She said, “He was never good to me”
She said, “He was never good to me”

Tell me how she was dressed that day, my melody
Don’t show me how she touched her face, my melody
She said, “I would never do it again. Give me another chance.”
I said, “Why didn’t you come to me? Why didn’t you talk to me?”

Doll Is Mine

http://www.mytlsp.net/agenow/031 ... 04-Doll_Is_Mine.mp3
4. Doll Is Mine

Mine is an act of love
Mine is a wish to solve
And mine is to sink by your side
You are to be amused
And you are never to be confused
In your first love
Your first time
Why a doll so they tell me
Cause she is mine
Faith and fully mine
I must say
This love hasn’t changed me
Cause I feel fine
Faith and fully mine

I must have seen too much skin
Much more than I needed to
And much more than I wanted to dream
I must have felt so much pain
It’s funny how some things do remain
It isn’t true that things do change
Isn’t it strange how pain remains
But don’t look sad cause it isn’t sad
Now that I have you to myself

Misery Is a Butterfly
http://www.mytlsp.net/agenow/031 ... _Is_A_Butterfly.mp3

5. Misery Is A Butterfly

Dearest Jane I should’ve known better
But I couldn’t say hello, I didn’t know why
But now I think, I think you were sad
Yes you were, you were, you were

What I say, I say only to you
Cause I love and I love only you
Dearest Jane, I want to give you a dream
That no one has given you

Remember when we found misery
We watched her, watched her spread her wings
And slowly fly around our room
And she asked for your gentle mind

Misery is a butterfly
Her heavy wings will warp your mind
With her small ugly face
And her long antenna
And her black and pink heavy wings

Remember when we found misery
We watched her, watched her spread her wings
And slowly fly around our room
And she asked for your gentle mind

Falling Man

6. Falling Man

http://www.mytlsp.net/agenow/031 ... -06-Falling_Man.mp3

Tell me how you seek your man
And tell me all your secret spells
Tell me how you learn
To tell by his voice that he fell

I know a ghost will walk through walls
Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall

Try to re-imagine me
And I’ll re-invent myself
Still I remember scenes
Of when you looked at someone else

I know a ghost can walk through the wall
Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall

When you start doubting me
Then I start to doubt myself
And never look through me
Cause I’ll keep close to myself

I know a ghost can walk through the wall
Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall

I am what I am
And what I am is who I am
I know what I know
And all I know is that I fell
If only I could walk through walls
Then maybe I would tell who I was
Yet I am just a man still learning how to fall


http://www.mytlsp.net/agenow/031 ... 07-Anticipation.mp3

7. Anticipation

Anticipate and evaluate
What he thought
And what I thought before
You’re broken like me
Like me before

Dark place is your place
I take dark drive to your place
You’re staring me
You’re staring with your inside eyes

Knowing you, knowing me
We’re deeply sorry
You’re broken maybe baby

Maybe it didn’t happen
Maybe all of this would go away
And if we’re ever young again
He’ll anticipate
We’ll evaluate


http://www.mytlsp.net/agenow/031 ... Maddening_Cloud.mp3

8. Maddening Cloud

Sure you can look back
If it means moving on
And you can take me back
But you must come home
We are both a in maddening cloud

And you can touch me there
Just don’t leave me alone
And you can call me softly
When I dream and ask for more
You can slow and fold and mold my mind

And she said
I can’t feel my toes
And she must be alone
And far too cold

And he stares
Like he doesn’t see
He must be scared
And far too lost

Under and over
We must have glanced
Face to face
We’ve had to dance
We’re both in a maddening cloud

Sure you can step back
If it means moving on
And you take me back
But you must be alone
You can choke and smoke and rock my mind

Magic Mountain

http://www.mytlsp.net/agenow/031 ... -Magic_Mountain.mp3
9. Magic Mountain

At magic mountain
Nobody sings today
Nobody speaks today
Close my eyes
And hope to see
Weeks go by like a day
In a lowland

I live here on magic mountain
No one leaves magic mountain

At magic mountain
Nothing changes
Everything stays the same
Cross my heart
And hope to live
All the time
With a little fever

I stay here on magic mountain
No one leaves magic…

My heart can hear you sing
My heart can see you speak
But I never make it in the flatlands
I must stay on magic mountain

Pink Love

10. Pink Love

I won’t bind my strings to you
But build my world besides you
Watching you draw a line
Some say you are, you are
Just like a butterfly
Whose broken wings will spread
To softly feel your mood
Over the blue sky full of you
Pink love, pink love, pink love
Just like a fairytale

My only reason naturally
Starts to get to me
Pushing my way through
Mesh of life
I want to kiss the sickness of mind
My heart without reason
Sunken to deep disappointment
Spreads over universe
With a knife
I want to bleed out distress like this

It’s not just a fairytale painted by me
It’s not just loneliness between you and I
If on magic mountain you find you can breath
Then stay and don’t look back
To the blue woven sky

Storms of petals are pouring down
Pushing their way through our pink love
So many polka dots painted by me
Spreads over universe for you
And I, I want to kiss
Pink love, pink love
I want to kiss
Pink love, pink love
In my mind
I state myself
The clock is ticking without you
Some may say illness
So called so called love
The sickness of mind


Allow me to show you
The way which I adore you

Sometimes I think I must
Just let you be a horse
All I want is to be a rider
To be part of you

Afraid so afraid
To loose you
If someone looks at you
Turn into donkey
Pretend you are lame

Equus by nature
Timid creature
Ready to run away
Equus by nature
Timid creature
Cares nothing
For the plans they made

I will hide you
Will protect you
Won’t let anyone
Take you away

Blonde Redhead成立于1993年,由日籍女歌手Kazu Makino和来自意大利的孪生兄弟Amedeo Pace & Simone Pace所组成.乐队刚出道便常被外界拿来与Sonic Youth作比较,这并非因为他们的处女碟是由Sonic Youth的鼓手Steve Shelley所制作,而是其嘈杂刺耳的吉他声,密集的编曲均为早期Sonic Youth的标志性元素.于是,乐队的风格也被定义为no-wave,噪音摇滚.

事实上,初期的Blonde Redhead确是噪音美学虔诚的继承者,他们前两张专辑急促且富侵略色彩的音乐,让许多no-wave歌迷惊喜不已,乐队也很快受到肯定,转到了indie界较著名的厂牌Touch&Go旗下.可惜其间只发行了三张不过不失的专辑,虽颇受业界好评,却得不到歌迷的青睐.而且这几张专辑也愈加软化,即使依然坚持以噪音吉他为主线,振奋程度已大不如前,也许是想脱离Sonic Youth的影响另辟新路,想改变却又约束着.

在2000年发行完专辑后,乐队几乎进入了沉寂期.时隔四年,他们竟以4AD旗下乐队的身份发行了名为的专辑,这一举动可真惊诧了不少人,因为4AD是一个倾向唯美风格的厂牌,即便当年曾签过数支noise-pop乐队,也都是飘逸派的,与Blonde Redhead的杂乱,尖锐可谓相去甚远. 然而,最初吸引大家注意力的,既不是4AD的名声,也不是Blonde Redhead从前的狂躁,是专辑名称--Misery Is Butterfly.在看见CD封面那一刻,便充满了好奇心,迫不及待要找来听乐.

这不是一张讨人喜爱的专辑,整张碟弥漫着的是凄美的气息,由始至终都压得你透不过气来.在第一首歌"elephant Woman"里,开篇便是急速的弦乐,犹如在追赶逃跑的新娘,女主唱尖细的声音似在叙述新娘悲惨的故事,而歌曲后段加入的钢琴更是加重了不安的气氛.其后的歌曲也都如此,极富旋律化却依旧伤感,就连歌曲的编排也出奇地相似,初听也许会略嫌沉闷,可当你沉醉在这种伤感中的时候,又会觉得他们的雷同是多么美妙.? 忽然觉得专辑的名称取得很好, .

本主题共有 4 条回复 | 回到顶部
#1 - 2006-7-28 21:03
忽惚 地球
[s:27] 天。。這歌硪貼不上。。。
#2 - 2006-7-28 21:20
忽惚 地球
#3 - 2006-7-29 18:13
不想 地球
#4 - 2006-8-3 13:19
忽惚 地球
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