幸福大街 » 一 朵 花 的 天 堂 » 《迁徙的鸟》,听说挺好看的

2004-6-14 11:47 月影捕手


<a href="http://ent.sina.com.cn/2003-12-27/0212263889.html" target="_blank" >http://ent.sina.com.cn/2003-12-27/0212263889.html</A>

<IMG src="http://www.no-13.com/vb/attachments/40bR_1107_1.jpg" border=0>

To Be By Your Side
  Nick Cave
  Across the oceans across the seas,
  Over forests of blackened trees.
  Through valleys so still we dare not breathe,
  To be by your side.
  Over the shifting desert plains,
  Across mountains all in flames.
  Through howling winds and driving rains,
  To be by your side.
  Every mile and every year,
  For everyone a little tear.
  I cannot explain this, dear,
  I will not even try.
  Into the night as the stars collide,
  Across the borders that divide
  Forests of stone standing petrified,
  To be by your side.
  Every mile and every year,
  For every one a single tear,
  I cannot explain this, dear,
  I will not even try.
  For I know one thing,
  Love comes on a wing,
  For tonight I will be by your side,
  But tomorrow I will fly.
  From the deepest ocean to the highest peak,
  Through the frontiers of your sleep.
  Into the valley where we dare not speak,
  To be by your side.
  Across the endless wilderness,
  Where all the beasts bow down their heads.
  Darling, I will never rest
  Till I am by your side.
  Every mile and every year,
  Time and distance disppear
  I cannot explain this, dear no,
  I will not even try.
  And I know just one thing,
  Love rises with the day
  And tonight I may be by your side.
  But tomorrow I will fly, tomorrow I will fly,
  Tomorrow I will fly.
  艺人名称:OST (电影原声带)
  艺人名称:Travelling Birds (鹏程千万里)
   鸟儿滑翔遨游的画面当然得要有优雅柔美的音乐相伴,“鹏程千万里”的电影音乐由法国电影、电视音乐家Bruno Coulais担纲,Coulais曾先后以“小宇宙”、“喜马拉雅”荣获凯萨奖最佳电影音乐奖,历年影音创作包括:尚雷诺主演的“赤色追缉令”、凯萨琳丹妮芙主演的“对不起,爱上你”、杰哈德巴狄厄主演的98年版迷你影集“基督山恩仇记”、2001年惊悚片“夺命解码”…等片。Coulais延续编写 “小宇宙”时的创作精神,以新世纪音乐与世界音乐为主轴,捕捉鸟儿的自然生态意象,同时也运用管弦乐来加深对大自然的一种敬意,而圣乐/福音色彩的旋律则升华了鸟儿飞翔时的优雅意味,合声方面同时兼用成人与孩童的歌声里奔放、热情、原始、童真的不同音质丰富鸟儿跃动时的活力,Coulais轻柔情真的琴键与深沉的提琴独奏,衬著清澈悠扬的世界音乐合唱,以及采用来自大自然的鸟叫声与环境声效,缓缓的勾勒美丽祥和的气象,慢慢的浮现鸟儿的多彩生态,谱奏出一篇优雅的鸟儿生态交响诗,再次荣获凯萨奖最佳电影音乐的提名。改编自主题旋律的主题曲“To Be Your Side“在摇滚歌手Nick Cave颓废诗情的传唱中,传达著对鸟类的真切情感。此外,60年代末期的实验乐团Soft Machine创团主唱Robert Wyatt也加入用歌声礼赞鸟类的行列。

2004-6-30 04:19 流浪狗

2004-7-4 05:57 米只

2004-7-31 13:17 燎原

2004-8-17 15:51 小狗哈哈

2004-12-27 14:18 小hole
<P>真的是很不错的啊</P><P>天·地·人 三步曲看了都很震撼的</P>

2005-1-3 21:44 舞池天使

2005-7-2 21:23 滑落的钟

2005-8-8 17:07 童话ㄨ王子√

2005-8-8 17:08 童话ㄨ王子√

2005-8-10 21:22 童话ㄨ王子√

2005-8-14 23:09

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