2006-12-1 16:06
Deep purple -- Soldier of Fortune
Deep purple -- Soldier of Fortune
[color=limegreen]I have often told you stories about the way
I lived the life of a drifter waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
Then maybe you would say
Come lay with me love me and I would surely stay
But I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune
Many times I've been a traveler I looked for something new
In days of old when nights were cold
I wandered without you
But those days I thought my eyes had seen you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here
Now I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune
Yes, I can hear the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune[/color]
Deep Purple作为世界摇滚音乐史上最伟大的重金属乐队之一,其于1968年组建于英国的Hertford,Deep Purple之所以未能问鼎重金属领域中桂冠的位置,主要有两个原因,其一在于Deep Purple频繁地更换乐队成员,就连主唱也调整过三回,再有就是同时期Led Zeppelin乐队的崛起,其中主唱Robert Plant和主音吉他Jimmy Page珠连璧合的演绎,至今,在整个摇滚音乐史上也无人能匹敌。由此看来,Deep Purple中的主音吉他Ritchie Blackmore虽然技艺超群,但始终没有遇到能与自己实力相当的主唱,而只能存活在Jimmy Page的阴影里。Deep Purple于1976年解散后,又于1984年重组,但是他们重组后的音乐作品,其水准实在令人难以恭维,同时期组建的新劲重金属乐队Extreme的任何一张专辑都足以令Deep Purple汗颜。然而,Deep Purple 在重金属音乐的起始阶段,所做出的杰出贡献无疑会令后人永远地尊敬。