2006-8-7 16:15 小满
Stefy - Chelsea

  <p><br /><table bordercolor="#1e90ff" cellspacing="3" width="650" align="center" bgcolor="#dcdcdc" border="2"><tbody><tr><td><p /><p><b><font color="#cd5c5c">Stefy - Chelsea </font></b></p><p><table width="350" align="right"><tbody><tr><td><div align="right"><br /><a onfocus="function anonymous()
}" href="http://image.hjbbs.com/img/200606/2006060711593247420.jpg" target="_blank"><img alt="按此在新窗口浏览图片" src="http://image.hjbbs.com/img/200606/2006060711593247420.jpg" onload="function anonymous()
}" border="0" /></a><br /><embed src="http://podcast.hjbbs.com/podcast/20060606/2006060632844446_973.mp3" width="350" height="43" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" controls="ControlPanel,statusbar" autostart="false" /></embed /><br /><a href="http://podcast.hjbbs.com/podcast/20060606/2006060632844446_973.mp3" target="_blank"><font color="#6495ed">下载</font></a> <p /><p><font color="#696969">Stefy是一支新成立的乐队,乐队成员由Stefy Rae(主唱) ,Sean Meyer (吉他手), Jason Gaviati (键盘手) and Andreas Brobjer (鼓手)组成。</font></p><p>感觉Rae的歌声很有张力,有一种穿透性的力量,但就其嗓音本身来说并没有特别突出的地方。</p><p><font color="#006400">了解更多请进:<a href="http://www.stefytheband.com/" target="_blank"></a><a href="http://www.stefytheband.com/">[url]http://www.stefytheband.com/[/url]</a> </font></p></div></td></tr></tbody></table><br /><font color="#696969">I can see there's something in your eyes<br />You just took a fall from paradise<br />Saw the lipstick on your neck<br />Maybe you should just confess</font></p><p>Oh oh oh oh oh </p><p>*I don't wanna lose my head today<br />But I know there's something in the way<br />Maybe I made a big mistake last night<br />when I left you alone with Chelsea*</p><p>Chelsea's the kind of girl that's cold as ice<br />Beautiful with nails filed sharp as knives<br />She called me while you were kissing<br />so I could hear what I was missing</p><p>Oh oh oh oh oh</p><p>Repeat *</p><p>When I left you alone with Chelsea</p><p>You're just a typical guy and you're typically blind<br />You can see I'm out of here and that I said goodbye</p><p>Repeat *</p><p>When I left you alone with Chelsea *2</p><p><font color="#ff8c00">本音乐资源来自互联网,仅供英语学习之用。<br />如果连接过期失效,请谅解!<br /></font></p></td></tr></tbody></table><br /></p>

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